But Microsoft Flight Simulator isn’t about combat, all of the planes in its lineup are civilian aircraft without weapons. Which brings up an important point: should you go with a more old-fashioned joystick controller or a yoke (the kind that looks sort of like a steering wheel)? The “Hands On Stick And Throttle” setup (HOTAS, for short) is more common, if only because it works for both fighter plane simulators and sci-fi spaceship games. Stick or Yoke? The Best HOTAS Controller for Xbox One: Hori Ace Combat 7 The Best Budget PC HOTAS: Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS 4 The Best Budget Yoke for PC: CH Products Flight Sim Yoke USB The Best Deluxe HOTAS for PC: Logitech G X56 The Deluxe Yoke for PC: Logitech Flight Yoke System + Rudder Pedals Stick or Yoke?